Recent film projects:

Written and directed by Andrea Berloff, The Kitchen is an adaptation of the DC/Vertigo comic book series of the same name, and stars Elisabeth Moss, Tiffany Haddish, and Melissa McCarthy as three 1978 NYC housewives who decide to take matters into their own hands after their mobster husbands are incarcerated. Domhnall Gleeson, Bill Camp, Margo Martindale, Common, Brian d’Arcy James and James Badge Dale round out the cast. The Kitchen will be in theaters Aug. 9, 2019.

Writer-director Melissa B. Miller Costanzo’s debut film, starring Brian, Molly Ringwald, Brendan Meyer and Jemima Kirke. The dramatic comedy follows teenager Howie’s (Meyer) infatuation with Odessa (Kirke), a woman he sees on the bus, which further complicates his already-tumultuous adolescence. Ringwald and James play Howie’s parents, whose already rocky relationship is on the verge of running its course.
Read more at The Hollywood Reporter »

2018 films

Directed by Damian Chazelle, who won an Oscar in 2017 for La La Land, this historical drama looks at the life of the astronaut Neil Armstrong, and the legendary space mission that led him to become the first man to walk on the Moon on July 20, 1969. Starring Ryan Gosling as Armstrong, with Corey Stoll as Buzz Aldrin, Claire Foy as Janet Armstrong, Jon Bernthal as Dave Scott, and Kyle Chandler as Deke Slayton. Brian plays Joseph A. Walker, Armstrong’s secondary boss, who flew the world’s first two spaceplane fights in 1963. Walker became the seventh man in space. First Man is premiered in October 2018.

First Man website


TROUBLE   Playwright Theresa Rebeck directs Anjelica Huston, Bill Pullman, David Morse, and Brian, among others, in this dramedy, from her own original script.


SONG OF BACK AND NECK (announcement)
A hapless man seeking treatment for his crippling back pain discovers a very unusual talent and unexpected love in this inventive romantic comedy from writer-director-star Paul Lieberstein (The Office). With Paul Lieberstein, Rosemarie DeWitt, Clark Duke, Brian d’Arcy James, Robert Pine, Paul Feig.

This film had its World Premiere at the 2018 Tribeca Film Festival in April. Learn more:

2017 films, now on video:

Video interview about 2017 projects:

PLAYBILL print article:
“Tony Nominee Brian d’Arcy James Talks His 7 Upcoming Films” »2017


MOLLY’S GAME  A dramatic film written and directed by Aaron Sorkin, starring Jessica Chastain, Idris Elba, Kevin Costner, and Brian as “Bad Brad.” Read more about it »

Dec. 28, 2017 TODAY SHOW Interview:




MARK FELT: THE MAN WHO BROUGHT DOWN THE WHITE HOUSE  Stars Liam Neeson as Mark Felt, the longtime FBI No. 2 man under J. Edgar Hoover who will go down in history as Deep Throat. Released by Sony Pictures Classics in September 2017. Read more about it »



REBEL IN THE RYE  Stars Nicholas Hoult as writer J.D. Salinger and Zoey Deutch as Oona O’Neill, with Kevin Spacey, Sarah Paulson, Hope Davis, and Brian, among others. Released in September 2017.


1922  Based on a 2010 novella by Stephen King, 1922 follows a man’s confession of his wife’s murder. The tale is told from the perspective of Wilfred James, the story’s unreliable narrator who admits to killing his wife, Arlette, with his son in Nebraska. But after he buries her body, his life begins to unravel and he becomes convinced his wife is haunting him. 1922 is written and directed by Zak Hilditch and stars Thomas Jane, Molly Parker, Dylan Schmid, Neal McDonough, Kaitlyn Bernard, and Brian.

1922 comes from Netflix Original Feature Films on October 20, 2017.


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